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17 Dec 2023 ~ 2 min read

Mike Pearson on Angular Signals

Navigating Angular’s Complexities: A Developer’s Perspective 🌟

As I needed to develop for Angular in my recent project, I’ve observed a common trend where many shy away

from fully embracing RxJS, opting instead for more familiar imperative approaches.

This reluctance often stems from a fear of steep learning curves in favor of immediate, simpler solutions.

Yet, learning and using RxJS is important for implementing advanced features like type-ahead searches, etc. which many developers avoid due to the complexity.

Angular, before version 16, did push developers towards learning many of the 153 RxJS operators,

often leading to a choice between a complex reactive approach or a simpler imperative one.

Many developers I talk to just give me blank stares when I ask them about switchMap or similar crucial rxjs operators.

Now, with Angular signals, there’s a new paradigm for state management that’s worth exploring.

While RxJS remains indispensable for asynchronous operations, signals offer a more enjoyable development

experience in Angular.

However, the Angular community still faces challenges, especially when compared to frameworks like SolidJS or Svelte,

where signals are already well supported.

For developers at a crossroads in choosing a frontend technology,

it’s worth considering the limitations and evolving landscape.

Angular signals, though a step forward, still have shortcomings such as lack of integration with forms.

If you can choose the framework for your next project, exploring other technologies might be more rewarding.

For those committed to Angular, leveraging signals can make the experience more enjoyable.

For a deeper understanding and a detailed discussion, check out this article and video (its quite long, where is my Youtube 3x play?)

Headshot of Rainer Burgstaller

Hi, I'm Rainer. I'm a software engineer based in Salzburg. You can follow me on Twitter, see some of my work on GitHub, or read more about me on my website.